Can You Replace Your Existing Thermostat Yourself?

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Becoming a homeowner often involves taking on new responsibilities. When you are renting, repairing or replacing an HVAC system is typically the job of the landlord or property owner. However, when you own your home, you’ll need to handle any issues that arise on your own. Learning which problems you can resolve yourself and which ones require professional help is an important skill, but it takes time to learn what DIY projects you can take on. Read on to learn more about whether or not you can replace your thermostat yourself.

Can you replace your thermostat yourself?


If you need to replace your existing thermostat, it’s always best to have an expert take care of it. First, every thermostat is different. There are hundreds of different styles and brands, and you’d need more than a little basic electrical knowledge to handle it. You’d also need to know a lot about HVAC equipment and the different parts being used, which is knowledge most laypeople don’t have. The reality is that given the potential for hurting yourself or causing damage to your home, it’s always better to have a technician replace your thermostat for you.

There are several signs that your thermostat may not be in good working order that every homeowner should keep an eye out for. One sign an old thermostat is malfunctioning is if your HVAC turns on and off without warning. You may also notice that your thermostat readings don’t seem accurate. Abrupt temperature changes and higher energy bills are also major red flags. You should replace your old thermostat as soon as possible if you notice your HVAC system is short cycling or shutting off before completing the heating or cooling cycle.

Regular HVAC maintenance is also an essential part of keeping your system operating at peak efficiency. You should have your system inspected at least once annually and change the filter every 90 days. If you’re experiencing frequent breakdowns with a system that is over 10 years old, you may want to consider a replacement.

Should you upgrade to a smart thermostat?


Anyone who needs a new thermostat should consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. This smart device will allow you to use automation to operate your HVAC, run it on a timer, and even control temperature settings from a mobile app. Some systems even allow you to cool your room by zone or set different temperatures on different floors. By using a smart thermostat, you’ll ensure that your HVAC is only running when you need it. Easing the load on your HVAC system will also help you cut down on your energy costs.

Not only will you save money on your utility bills, but a smart thermostat can also add value to your home. Prospective buyers are starting to prioritize environmentally friendly, sustainable, and efficient technology. Smart tech like a programmable thermostat can help you create a more modern and comfortable environment inside your house. Given its demonstrated benefits and the potential to improve your home’s equity, a smart thermostat is one of the best upgrades to invest in.

It’s understandable that many homeowners want to save money and learn to take better care of their homes by tackling home improvement projects themselves. However, when dealing with anything that involves electrical wiring and specialized knowledge, it’s usually better to let a professional handle it. Anyone who does need a new thermostat should consider upgrading to a smart thermostat since it can be beneficial to both your overall quality of life and your home’s value. Though replacing your own thermostat isn’t a great idea, a technician can help you find a newer model that keeps your home safe and comfortable.