Tips for Glowing Skin

Tips for Glowing Skin

A blemish-free complexion is a common desire of 80 percent of people. Still, even those who are on the clear side might feel something’s missing: that healthy, natural glow.

Glowing skin is easy to achieve if you swipe highlighter all over it, but we’re talking natural here. We want a glow that comes from within; one that results from the combination of a dedicated skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle. If you want to learn how to get naturally radiant skin, here are the best tips we can offer.

Drink Enough Water

There’s a reason you read this on every other website–it’s the most important step of all! Your skin is 64 percent water and it’s also the largest organ of the body. That’s why proper hydration is crucial for it to perform its functions normally and bring the following benefits:

  • Elasticity. The more water you drink, the fewer wrinkles you’re likely to have.
  • Better immune function. Drinking adequate amounts of water helps the immune system to ward off skin infections like acne.
  • Natural detox. You drink lots of water, your kidneys and liver work their magic to detoxify your body, and as a bonus, your pores might become less clogged.

If you’re wondering exactly how much water a person should down daily, there’s no clear answer. However, at least 2.7 liters of water is usually recommended.

Eat the Right Foods

There are healthy foods, and then there are healthy foods that are especially great for your skin. Why? Because most of the foods we’re about to list are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and several other antioxidants. They boost healthy skin cell production, collagen production, and fight free-radicals (the villains of premature aging), respectively. Eating well is the first step to treat your skin from the inside out.

Here’s your skin-focused grocery list:

  • Citrus fruits (rich in vitamin C)
  • Carrots (rich in vitamin A)
  • Tomatoes (rich in lycopene, an antioxidant with the potential to protect the skin against sunburn)
  • Oily fish (rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that may protect against dry and itchy skin)


This is an often skipped step, but one that shouldn’t be. Exfoliating your skin at least once your twice a week with an exfoliator brush or scrub helps your skin renew itself–it does that by getting rid of dead cells and letting brand new cells take their place. Not to mention, that soft feeling on the skin after exfoliating feels amazing.

In days when you’re not exfoliating, just follow your normal skincare routine.

Wash Your Skin With an Appropriate Cleanser

If your skin is dry and you use a cleanser for acne-prone skin, your face will end up flaky because of a higher concentration of acids in this type of product.

On the other hand, if your skin is oily and you choose a normal cleanser, it might do nothing to clear up blackheads and prevent you from breaking out.

Picking the right product is easy once you’ve found out what your skin type is and how your lifestyle affects it.

Use Quality Topical Creams

After washing comes moisturizing. The creams you apply to your face should match your skin type for better results.

If you feel like trying something new for an affordable price, try topical CBD products. Be sure to choose creams made from pure CBD of the highest quality, like CBDistillery‘s products. They’re non-GMO and derived from industrial hemp grown in the US. Their five-star rated skincare cream restores and rejuvenates the skin, making it perfect for any routine.

Don’t Forget Sunscreen

No one wants to age faster, and that’s a fact. Sadly, that’s what UVB rays will cause if we clumsily forget to put on our sunscreen every single day.

We know, applying sunscreen steals a few minutes of our days with all the makeup-ruining reapplications. But have you considered a sunscreen product that’s a breeze to reapply, doesn’t clog pores and leaves your makeup intact? LUMASOL is one of them.

Products like this could revolutionize the market. LUMASOL is a post-makeup sunscreen mist created by 23-year-old Jenner family insider Sophia Hutchins, with SPF 50+ protection and without the greasy mess. It’s so lightweight you can apply it anytime, and it won’t even look like you just did it.

Again, think before buying: some formulas are oilier than others. Learn everything you can about your skin type before shopping for skin products. When in doubt about any skin-related issues or for additional tips for glowing skin, see your dermatologist.