Kristen Tucker

Staff Writer

the inside of a car

Is the Public Ready for Self-Driving Cars?

Once upon a time, self-driving cars seemed like the stuff of fantasy. However, the current driver-technology, cameras, sensors, and data from machine learning have made this far-out dream more of a reality. Though there’s always a need for a human driver, there’s still so much to learn about self-driving vehicles and the advantages they have.

people in a room with computers

How to Improve Your Customer Service Efforts

Your customer service is integral to your brand’s success. Whether you’re looking at an investment property in the real estate market or running a dispensary, an entrepreneur needs to use smarter tools to improve the customer experience. It attracts investors; it can improve your cash flow, helping you rethink your business plan. However, as a

a couple of women sitting on a table

Do Younger Women Experience Menopause?

Maturing and aging are natural processes that individuals may experience in different ways depending on how they maintain their health, the lifestyle they lead, the environment they live in, and their genetics. Physical changes can happen as a person gets older. For women, one such change that occurs is menopause—the natural end of a woman’s

close-up of a person's eyes

Does Your Home Need a Cooling System?

While it might be a balmy 73 degrees where you live in March, you pretty much know that the nice temperature is a warning of humid, sweltering days to come when summer arrives. While most homeowners have the heat on in the winter months, many new homes or even your own home might skimp on

a woman holding her hands together

Taking Care of Your Body After You Give Birth

You’ve had your baby, brought him home from the hospital and you couldn’t be happier. As a new mom, you may feel like you can get out there and do anything, but you can’t. Some symptoms you’ll deal with after having your baby include pain, your breasts being sore, being super tired, and having intense

a group of presents

What Your Gift-Giving Says About You

We all have that aunt famous for fruitcake or that grandmother who always knows just what to get. Whether you’re the uncle who only gifts gift cards or someone who likes to put more thought into gift-giving, the gifts you give say a lot about you. If you’re curious about what your gift-giving style says

a red car parked on a road

Alternative Ways to Finance a New Vehicle

Buying a car is a huge and exciting step in the future. Whether you’re making your first purchase, getting a bigger vehicle for an expanding family, or finally investing in that mid-life crisis sports car, you’re probably pumped to get behind the wheel of your new ride. A lot goes into buying a car. You

a bottle of wine

How to Grow Your CBD Business

Over the past few years, CBD (cannabidiol) and its derivatives have become, more and more, an exciting new way to think about supplements and wellness. These days, you can find CBD in coffee, in luxury chocolates, in the form of CBD cigarettes, and as gummies, oils, tinctures, and more. In other words, when it comes

a room with a bed and a table

Home Improvements That Should Be on Your Radar

Owning a home is something that a lot of people strive for. Being able to have a house to call your own is a major life achievement, and gives a person a sense of accomplishment, safety, and security. In 2019 alone there were 6 million homes sold in the United States. According to the U.S.

a person wearing headphones and playing a video game

6 Tips For Expanding Your Gaming Company

Video gaming has become a huge part of people’s lives. People play mobile games on their phones or tablets while waiting for the bus or at a doctor’s office in the U.S. Children play Nintendo Switch games while being driven from place to place as they run errands all across North America and South America.